Friday, 19 August 2011

Rant of the week - Morrisons latest version of the self-service till

I'm a regular shopper in Morrisons, primarily because they're the biggest supermarket near home and they are good value without being rubbish.  I'm also a regular user of their self-service tills.  Generally I've had little problem with them and fly through without too many hassles but they've changed the software on them now...

I think every time I've used them on the last half dozen occasions I've had to call for help.  The reason for this seems to be mainly because the scales think something hasn't been put into the bag or is the wrong weight.  The poor assistant has to just reset stuff so it all seems like a waste of time.  I've also found out that you don't now put newspapers into the bag because it confuses the till (sounds like I could get away with a free paper there... people are bound to catch on to that).  Similarly, if you put a bag onto the scale at the start of proceedings and there's already shopping in it the till also gets upset.   More help required.   It didn't use to be this bad...

We were away last week and visited a Tesco and used their self-serve tills.  Absolutely no worries.

Last time I used one at my local branch the whole thing just froze.  The assistants hadn't got a clue and hit random buttons until the till woke up again and carried on.

So... Morrisons... Get your act together with the self-serve scene and sort out that dodgy software.  I can see that you are trying to make sure that shoppers don't rip you off but we shouldn't have to nab assistants every time we do our shopping.  If you don't sort it out you'll just put people off using the infernal devices...

I think I've done well not to swear on this one.  Think I'll probably do a weekly rant which I'll try to make more amusing than  this one

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